domestic violence – Intermountain Legal Fri, 01 May 2020 19:35:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Pick a Divorce Lawyer Fri, 01 May 2020 19:35:32 +0000 […]]]> Picking the Best Divorce Lawyer

A common question in beginning divorce proceedings is this: “How do I pick a good divorce lawyer?”

While a “good” divorce lawyer is subjective and will be different for everyone, there are a few questions that you can ask yourself in order to find the right divorce attorney for you.

The first question you should ask yourself is: “Should I be looking for divorce lawyers near me?”

The answer to this question might seem obvious, but there are a couple of caveats. You may not need your divorce attorney to have an office that is extremely close to where you work or live. Ideally, the lawyer you choose will have an office within driving distance of you. However, hiring an attorney that’s really close to where you live could be of detriment to you if you live far away from where your divorce case will actually be heard.

For example, if you live in City A, but your divorce case will be heard at the courthouse in City B and City B is 4 hours away, you may want to consider hiring an attorney in City B so that you won’t be billed for unnecessary travel costs.  Alternatively, if you hire an attorney whose office is far away from where your case will be heard, you may incur additional costs because your attorney will need to travel to you for the hearings.

A question that men might ask is, “should I be looking at divorce lawyers for men?”

Generally, you don’t need to look for attorneys that are gender specific, unless you have a preference. Whatever attorney you hire will do the best job they can in providing you with the desired outcome of your case.

Thirdly, you may have heard of a term called “collaborative divorce”.

If you’re wondering if you should hire a collaborative lawyer, it helps to know that a “collaborative divorce” is when both spouses hire their own attorneys and agree to work out the terms of their divorce without taking their issues to court. Essentially, both parties agree to work together to resolve the issues that come up in the divorce process.

Ultimately, you should do your research and hire an attorney that you feel comfortable in working with. For additional questions, you can review our common questions webpage here.

Call or text Intermountain Legal for a $75 family law consultation at 801-990-4200.

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Getting Help Dealing With Domestic Violence Mon, 08 Apr 2013 08:51:24 +0000 […]]]> Domestic violence is defined as systematic abuse of a current or former acquaintance, or cohabitant. That may mean a spouse, ex-partner, or family member. The abuse might be physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial. Violence of any kind hurts individuals and the community we live in.

Law enforcement in Utah takes domestic violence very seriously ¾ and it should. Statewide, the Utah Domestic Violence Council reported over 3,700 domestic violence criminal charges were filed in 2011.

In mid-October, the Salt Lake Area Family Justice Center on 300 South and 310 East announced receipt of a $900,000 federal grant to fund improved law enforcement services at the Family Justice center for the next two years.

For victims of domestic abuse, this means faster response to potentially dangerous family conditions. Adding to six detectives already on-site, the grant provides funding for a part time county prosecutor and overtime for police to arrest those in violation of protective orders.

For those accused of domestic violence, more funding means better and faster enforcement of already strict laws concerning domestic violence.

If you are involved in a tumultuous family situation, stand down instead of stepping up. If drawn into a domestic dispute and you are arrested, contacting experienced legal help quickly could make a great deal of difference in your case — and your liberties.

The problem is, because of the strictness of domestic violence laws, many non-abusive people are dragged into the criminal system that don’t need to be there. Unfortunately, once you are in the system, it is very difficult to get out. It is almost always necessary to get an attorney to help you. In many heated domestic situations, a fine line exists between a domestic dispute, and abuse of domestic violence law. If you are accused of being over the line, contact our office for help.

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Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Thu, 21 Mar 2013 08:57:29 +0000 […]]]>

Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

The Right Domestic Violence Attorney for your Case

Our lead domestic violence attorney, Steven K. Burton, is a former prosecutor who has handled hundreds of domestic violence cases.  His extensive experience with these cases has shown him the best strategies for winning domestic violence cases and how to avoid the hidden traps in Utah domestic violence law.  As a prosecutor, he oversaw domestic violence programs in multiple Salt Lake County courts.  As a defense lawyer, he uses his in-depth knowledge to help people facing domestic violence charges.

When you hire Intermountain Legal, you get a team of attorneys who are dedicated to defending your rights and protecting you from serious future consequences.  Because our team has experience on both sides of the legal system, we know what works and what doesn’t.  The domestic violence laws in Utah are extremely strict and can cause long-lasting consequences.  The attorneys on the other side are professionals, and without a professional on your side, you are facing a losing battle.  Our experience will help you level the playing field and give you the best chance for success.

The Challenge of Defending Domestic Violence Cases

Over the past several decades, domestic violence laws across the country have become more and more strict.  Utah is no exception.  Utah lawmakers have tried to “crack down” on domestic violence by making more laws and increasing the penalties.

Unfortunately, these strict laws have caused serious problems for more people than expected.  The laws are now so broad that people often commit domestic violence without realizing it.  If you have ever gotten upset with a family member or roommate and intentionally or accidentally broken something, chances are you’ve committed domestic violence.  Or if you have ever pushed or slapped or hit someone you lived with, even once, you could be convicted of domestic violence.

The current domestic violence laws also pressure police officers to make an arrest and file charges even in unclear or minor cases; and if they don’t, they have to justify their actions in a report.  This means that many people who would have never been charged 15 or 20 years ago, are now going to jail and facing life-long consequences for anything domestic violence-related.  If you are convicted of domestic violence today, you can lose your job, your ability to volunteer, your right to travel to certain countries, and your right to own a firearm.  The potential fines, jail time, classes, and probation can also be severe.

Contact an Experienced Attorney

If you have been charged with domestic violence, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side.  The domestic violence lawyers at Intermountain Legal deal with domestic violence cases day in and day out.  We have handled nearly every type of domestic violence case and have had great success in many courts throughout Utah.  If you are looking for a Utah domestic violence attorney who knows the ins and outs of the law, please call to speak with one of our attorneys today.   We will ensure that your case is evaluated by a legal professional with experience in handling your type of case.

If you have been charged, contact Intermountain Legal in Salt Lake City for your free consultation. We will analyze and discuss your options with you and provide valuable legal insight for your situation.  To contact a Utah domestic violence attorney throughout Northern and Central Utah, call 801-990-4200.

For additional information on Domestic Violence, see the following sections:

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Domestic Violence Laws are Misguided: Punishing Less-Violent Behavior Detracts from Preventing the Most Serious Harm Thu, 07 Mar 2013 03:07:36 +0000 […]]]> A.J. Parker, age 25, was working at Intermountain Healthcare when she met Landon Jorgensen, 24, who was a Marine veteran and a firearms instructor. They had a whirlwind romance, and several weeks later, Jorgensen moved in with Parker and her five-year-old daughter. But within a year, Parker had second thoughts and wanted to end the relationship. This may have been the reason that Jorgensen shot Parker and her daughter to death and viciously attacked the family dog before taking his own life.

Murder-suicide incidents like this tragedy are becoming more frequent in Utah. Of the 33 domestic violence-related deaths in 2011, 19 were murder-suicides. The Utah Domestic Violence Council (UDVC) reminds the public that domestic violence occurs in all socio-economic and ethnic groups—and can be fatal. Domestic abuse can take the form of physical or sexual violence, emotional abuse, or financial and social control.

Warning signs of domestic violence include:

  • Escalating physical violence
  • Controlling behaviors
  • Suicide threats
  • Threats with a weapon
  • Violence against children or animals

Violent behavior can be triggered by financial hardship or when one partner expresses a desire to end the relationship. Although there were no domestic abuse complaints against Jorgensen, the majority of intimate partner homicides include a history of physical abuse.

An estimated 1.3 million women are physically assaulted by a spouse or partner every year. If you or your children are in danger of domestic violence, get help. Call 911 for immediate help or the Utah LINKline at 1-800-897-LINK (5465). And contact a skilled attorney at Intermountain Legal today.

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